从参观博物馆开始你的一天 欢迎帐篷 并了解当天的活动.
8:30 a.m. -游行集会
The parade rally is an opportunity for parade participants to join us for coffee and donuts while decorating their floats 在
集市里 停车场.
8:30 a.m. — Fraternity Sorority Program Board (FSPB) 校友 Breakfast
9 a.m. -亚洲学生联盟校友招待会
与亚洲学生联系 斯特罗萨克大厅(学生会),砂岩1 and learn more about the Asian Student Alliance. 将提供清淡的早餐和饮料.
9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. — Share a Story: Your Chapter in 学者 through the ABCs此活动已被取消.
11 a.m. - BW棒球校友比赛
Lace up once more for the chance to play with OAC Champions BW Baseball at
费舍尔场. To register, contact Head Coach Brian Harrison at
11 a.m. -女子篮球尾门
11 a.m. - 1 p.m. -女子排球尾门
Come out for some food and games before the game 在
克莱斯特艺术中心 & 戏剧 停车场. 请联系Sophie,电话:(915)487-0026.
11:30 a.m. -黑人校友联谊会联谊会
The Black 校友 Network invites current students, 校友, friends and family for a tailgate 在
克莱斯特艺术中心 & 戏剧 比赛前的停车场! 票价是10美元. 查看更多
4:30 p.m. -黑人校友网络回扣Reconnect with 校友 and current students while you enjoy great food and music at the
黑人文化中心 足球比赛之后. 查看更多
11 a.m. -一年一度的BW返校游行
Featuring the BW Marching Band, Stinger, various student groups and more. Back by popular demand – join us at the Parade Bandstand for featured performances from our BW family. 加入众多观鸟蜂巢(校友仪仗队, 拉拉队校友, 夹克的链接, 黑人校友网络+ BSA, 家长及家人)在游行期间举行.
11:30 a.m. — 节日的食物 & 在北广场玩
享受各种节日餐饮选择 北四, 包括食品车(Off the GRIDdle), CLE鸡,, Dominic's Sausage and Grand Pacific Popcorn Company). 访问 the engagement tents, the 校友 Tent and the Parent & Family Tent to connect with BW students, faculty, staff, 校友 and families. Lunchtime programming will feature performances by the BW Marching Band and other extraordinary student groups, 返校节演讲, 和希尔弗特教练的赛前集会等等!
BW 餐厅 Services will offer two meal options:
Italian Beef (or Vegetarian/Vegan Bean) Sandwich
Gluten free, vegetarian and vegan options available.
1:30 p.m. ——校友 & 朋友精神花园
Raise a toast with fellow Yellow Jackets while cheering on our Yellow Jacket Football Team at the big game. 小吃和茶点(啤酒) & 提供葡萄酒). $10 pre-registration admission gives full access to the 校友 & 朋友精灵花园帐篷, 在Tressel Field的南端 乔治芬尼体育场. Walk up registration will be accepted with $20 admission. Capacity is limited to 100 people, so be sure to register in advance. This event is 21+ only; guests must present I.D. 在入口.
2 p.m. - BW vs. Mount Union橄榄球大学
为黄夹克队加油 乔治芬尼体育场!
6 p.m. - BW vs. 宾夕法尼亚州立大学贝伦德网球场
为男子网球赛加油 波普柯林斯网球场!